
June 2, 2015

Most things have a beginning.

I started out with the title “Everything has a beginning,” but I thought that might be a rather bold statement to make. I don’t know all there is to know about life, the universe, and everything. It might be deeply arrogant to assume everything began at some point or another, up to and including the universe. I mean, is that arrogance? Is it okay to be truly certain about anything?

See, these are the things that keep me up at night.*

This blog, however, does actually appear to have a beginning. I think I just, in fact, began it.

(And awkwardly enough, that’s all I can think of to say on the matter. I hope up I come up with better stuff in the future, or this is quickly going to become very embarrassing.)

Quick! Enjoy this picture of my favorite hat!Helmet01

*Note: actually, very little keeps me up at night. I can fall asleep just about anywhere, anytime. The list of things that make me sleepy is an ever-growing one: boredom, pain, alcohol consumption, food, cold, warmth, cuddling, being surrounded by people I don’t know, overstimulation, life

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